
Tuesday 4 June 2024


 Watching a BB HENRY video yesterday led to some playing…

Tuesday 21 May 2024


 I’m back! Spain was wonderful even if we had temperatures that were slightly lower than the norm for the time of year. It was a real pleasure to see sunshine again. 

I’ve been busy since returning trying to get caught up with my art prompts (as well as all the household stuff and then there’s the jungle of a garden!)

Colour me positive pages….

Life documented….

I’ve done a couple more Art Koins in another group 

B& C



We are unable to see the Aurora Borealis where we live as we are surrounded by very tall trees but I follow a photographer in Maine who took this beautiful picture of the Cape Elizabeth lighthouse just outside Portland, this just happens to be the location of my stepdaughter’s wedding 25 years ago next month. I’m debating getting the picture printed on aluminium for them as a present!

Monday 15 April 2024


 The showers continue to plague us & I’m desperate for decent weather so I’m glad I have got a week booked in southern Spain at the en of the month. I need to get some gardening done but it’s so muddy and waterlogged that I can’t summon the enthusiasm for it. However my craft room has seen plenty of activity!

Here’s a little catch-up 

Life documented 

Colour me positive 

Some cards & coins

Add an item a day 

Grandson is 19!

His sister is 21!!!

And finally an anniversary card 

See you soon…..

Free course

 I have just spent the week on a free course and what FUN I have had! Certainly messy at times but who cares…

Day 1 MESSY we made papers with splashes and drips 

This is acrylic ink(blue) My Colour Studio intense ink ( bright pink but the label calls it tangerine!) yellow is Windsor & Newton and the black Parker Quink. I added some stencilling with black acrylic and white gesso. 


Kraft paper tape is used as a foundation for scraps that are still not quite finished as they have to be stitched- no room for my machine on the desk until I finish the course!

Day 3

For this one I took a couple of the tags I made, got my Cropodile out & added some eyelets, ribbons, fuzzy beads (right hand tag) 

Day 4


Black and white scraps masterboard - I’m waiting for a new die to arrive before I cut it!

Day 4


another messy day here with torn strips of sheeting, linen & linen shirt scraps & some gauze 

Pink is the tangerine ink purple is Deka silk paint 

Green silk paint & Windsor and Newton yellow ink

Day 5


Cluster: 7 layers of scraps (5 silk 1mesh 1 dyed gauze) tyvek bead - silver heart button is foil takeaway dish that has been run through a ribbler in multiple directions and a heart punch + 2 needle holes- the circle is a washer that has been buttonhole stitched before it was applied, sometimes I use these for fake Shisha work and will add seed beads around the edge


Monday 11 March 2024

Mad March

 The days are getting longer but I’m still waiting for the better weather to arrive in NE Scotland!

At least I don’t have to find an excuse to be in my workroom rather than the garden- it’s far too cold & muddy to get out there. 

Here’s what I have been doing recently…

Scrap collage (free course) monochrome 

Another course with limited colours required making collage papers 

And after selecting a few of them I ended up with 2 pages of 3x3 collages 

Colour me positive 

A catch up with the prompts 

And we have a new theme for March at Life Documented 

Use a limited colour palette & scraps…. Perfect for what I have been doing recently lol

Across at Art Prompts Galore it’s alphabet ATC coins 

That’s all for the moment… bring on the Spring!