
Wednesday, 26 December 2018


And so the year drew to a close....where have those weeks gone I wonder and another has started!

Life documented 1

Art journal journey 

Colour me positive

Art journal journey - the last of for 2018 and indeed for a while as the group leader is "struggling "

Life documented 2

Colour me positive 1- this will now be fortnightly!

Art prompts galore 1

And 2

Life documented 3

And that's the posting up to date!

Final weeks

Art journal journey 
  1. Image: gems. Word: sparkle. Prompt: write about a time when someone helped or served you. Technique: incorporate gems or jewellery on your page. Quote: be like a diamond precious and rare, not like a stone that's found everywhere. Rita Gatourey 

Colour me positive 

week 49

Red frame/  hand covered in coloured paints / quote: A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve not the desire to beat others.

Week 50

Royal blue frame / a horse and rider on the horizon/ quote: A lot of what weighs you down is not yours to carry

Life documented 

Theme:  Reflections and Journal for the New Year.  Prompt:  To make a flow style journal using leftover or unused papers and embellishments from this year.  Quote:  All that we are is the result of what we have thought.  Buddha.

Theme: reflections and journal for the New Year - prompt: prepare your next Journal. technique: make a first page with the word that you have chosen for 2019 and note your goals for the new year in a pocket. Q: Serenity is not to stop thinking but to be at peace with what is. La sérénité n'est pas cesser de penser mais être en paix avec ce qui est.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018


That would be journal posts rather than the Porsche.....the one we had was a 924 & it was many years ago!

Art journal journey 

Image: steampunk. Word: clock/ time. Prompt: write about a defining moment in your life. Technique: place descriptive word strips on your page. Quote: lost time is never found again. 

Image: hot air balloon. Word: rise. Prompt: what are the songs in the soundtrack of your life. Technique: wild card. Quote: Hope rises like a Phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams. S.A.Sachs

Life documented 

  1. Theme: Reflections and Journal for the New Year.  Prompt: Decide what kind of journal you will be using and prep it for the new year.  Technique: Make a first page or pages reflecting on how you have changed in the last few years or reflections of last year and the year to come.  Quote: Find a quote that reflects who you are.

Colour me positive 

I have started to get some colour down in next year's journal as I shall be heading across to the Alps soon (unless the dreaded "Gilets Jaunes " have managed to cause a real shortage of diesel which I understand is a problem in some areas!