
Tuesday, 9 July 2013


My angel made top 5! I must find out how to add a blinkie :-) last years blinkie is still just a URL :-(
And Windows 8 is still confusing the hell out of me, I've not even managed to sign into blogger since I got my new laptop!!! God bless the iPad :-D


  1. Congratulations!
    I sent you an email with a guide on how to add the blinkie, I've not used Windows 8 yet but hopefully once you figure out how to get to your blogger you can display that blinkie.

  2. Well done with your top five:D I hope you manage to beat Windows 8, my son who is a wizz at computers tells me they are reintroducing the start screen, always made sense to me to have one in the first place LOL x Good luck with your blinkie !
